Puls Technician Blog

Technician Spotlight: Meet Phone Repair Tech Jerry L.

Written by Puls | 12/31/19
At Puls, we have service technicians with all different backgrounds, walks of life, specializations and experiences throughout most major cities nationwide.
Want to get to know our Puls technicians? Read real stories, insights and fun facts from our team of experts to find out what it's like to be part of the Puls team, how they got started, and more.


Jerry Liu

Service City & State:

San Francisco, CA


Phone repair


San Francisco, CA

Years of technician experience? 


How did you discover Puls? 

Friend's recommendation

What’s your favorite thing about working for Puls? 

The flexibility

What show are you binge-watching these days? 


What’s the most challenging device to repair? Why?

iPhone 4S - too many screws!

What’s your favorite device to repair or install? Why? 

iPhone 6. It's fast - [it only] takes me 6 minutes to replace the screen

Just for fun: